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Born This Way by Lady Gaga

Top of the bill at the Radio1 weekend in Carlisle May 14th and 15th  was the inimitable Lady Gaga. Thousands of fans applied for tickets and thousands were disappointed.

Lady Gaga emerged as a fully fledged performer in 2008.Totally eccentric, self important, known for her outlandish costumes, but every inch a performer. She believes absolutely in her influence over her fans, her little monsters as she calls them. Her message is pseudo religious and although it carries a commendable call to her millions of fans to believe in themselves it is somewhat disconcerting that she sees herself as another Jesus figure ,immortal and indestructible. She refers to her tour "Monster Ball" as a "religious experience" All this from a pop singer. So while it is important to keep the creed of Lady Gaga in perspective there is no denying the Gaga phenomenon.

She appeals to an exceptionally wide audience and is the icon for the gay and lesbian scene, she is the champion of the disabled and the bullied, she urges all to believe in themselves and this is her message in "Born This Way" Anyone who promotes self worth is to be applauded, but perhaps the problems begin when that person perceives themselves as a spiritual guide.

Lady Gaga is indeed a sensational artist. She is visually and vocally a knockout, packaged and promoted to have maximum impact. I cannot subscribe to her evangelising stance but I wish I had been in Carlisle when she took to the stage.

"Born This Way" by Lady Gaga is out on 23 May and available now to preorder. So if, like me, you didn't get to Carlisle to experience the Gaga phenomenon order your copy now.