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Outlaster by Nina Nastasia wins album review competition by Kevin Ryan

Our thanks, as well as a £50 Amazon voucher, go to Kevin Ryan for this month's winning entry in the Find CD music review competition. Follow the link to read Kevin Ryan's review of Outlaster: Giddy Motors by Nina Nastasia. He thinks despite having an amazing voice, she is unfairly overlooked. Judging from the review she sounds right up my street and so I will be ordering the album today, of course not before checking the price using our price comparison service.

Have you ever tried writing a music review? It really is no easy task. How do you describe an album other than in general terms such as, brilliant, dramatic, mind numbingly boring etc? Kevin Ryan's review manages to capture the essence of what a good album review should do; essentially helping you to decide whether the music is to your taste?

So how is it achieved? Here are some of our suggestions....


How to write an interesting album review


  • Be really familiar with the music. Play the CD several times over – initially in a relaxed atmosphere. Consider each time you listen how the music makes you feel – as all good art, it should make you feel something!
  • If you are unfamiliar with the artist or band - research the background/previous work and performances of the artist.
  • Listen again in a more objective and critical manner and with pen and paper to hand.

Now you are ready to start writing:


  1. Start with facts about the musicians/artist/band rather than your opinion. This can include the type/genre of the music, previous albums, song inspirations, the instruments played and by whom.
  2. Describe specifically some of the tracks that have particular appeal, being careful to use language to create an image and feel about the music. Is it dramatic and powerful, frequently changing in tempo and intensity, or perhaps simple and lyrical, with little more than a voice and simple guitar rhythm and gentle drum beat? Think about why you enjoy particular aspects and dislike others.
  3. Give a judgement about the work. What attitudes are conveyed in the music? How are the lyrics? What is memorable/ poignant/shocking etc? Be sure to stick to the CD you are reviewing and not overly compare with previous work.
  4. Expand on these themes with perhaps comparisons to other work by the artists or by similar musicians.
  5. Summarize in the final paragraph your overall impression.

Play the album again - Are your opinions fair? Are there any technically outstanding features of the performance? Does a certain sound, voice or instrument make the music particularly absorbing, captivating or stimulating. Does it make you want to dance, sing or relax?

  • Add in your final thoughts to your first draft.
  • Edit your work for spelling, punctuation and grammar, making sure that you do not use unnecessary words.

We find reading your CD reviews really fascinating, as many of them help provide the impetus to listening to some of the less mainstream popular music. Please keep your reviews coming to help others make better choices of music. Sometimes you know you have just listened to a gem of a band or musician, who perhaps hasn't hit the album charts yet. This is your opportunity to share this with others and win a price from Find CD of £50 vouchers for purchases from Amazon.